Thursday, December 17, 2009


Hello all,
It's the time of year again to get together with friends and family, and to do our 3rd annual "DrewBQ" get together. It was 3 years ago (on the 5th day of Hannukah by the Jewish calendar) when we lost Drew, and every year around this time I like to get everyone together for a celebration of his life and the loving bonds between us that endure.

I would like to invite everyone over to my place in Topanga, aka "The Roadhouse" at 1704 N. Topanga Canyon Blvd., Topanga, CA 90290, on Dec. 23, at 6pm. Hana will be making a big, warm pot of a tasty homemade stew which was a fave of Drew's, as well as some other homemade treats. I will whip up a batch of the spiced, hot apple cider (the "wassail" as it is called in Denmark, meaning "to your health") some of you may remember from last year. If you like, please do bring along either an hors'deurve type item or a nice beverage of some kind.

Back when we were all in high school, we used to get together at Christmas and do a friends-only gift exchange. I was aware at the time how special and cool it was, but it seems even more so when I look back on it. It formed organically into something meaningful for us. Without forcing it, we created our own tradition where we got a chance to speak some loving truths to each other.
I know I am not giving much advance notice, and not only that, but everyone is especially strapped this year I am sure, so there is no pressure to participate, but in homage to that tradition, I would like to invite you to bring a wrapped gift of any kind, valued anywhere from "sentimental value only" to no more than $30, and we will do a version of the gift exchange with whoever wants to participate - just for fun. Last year, some really cool nostalgic treasures were unearthed, and no doubt we will see some of those items make their way around the circle again.

Please pass this along to any old friends of Drew's whose contact info I may not have. I also invite you to widen the celebration a bit this year and invite other close friends who you would like to have join us, even if they never met Drew. Hana and I agree that rather than a somber occasion, Drew's memory is better honored by our getting together with friends, old and new, and celebrating this festive time of year, just as we would do if he were still with us! I know it would please him to know that although we may not get to see each other often, that he can still bring us all together.

Much love to you all and best holiday wishes,

FarWest AlmanacPO Box 605Topanga CA 90290310-455-2949

1 comment:

youglow said...

wish i could be to everyone.
ill be there in spirit. xo