Sunday, February 25, 2007

ANIMAL LOVER...just some random Drew images he had saved!!! Always thinking about the next barbeque


jenn said...

I LOVE IT!!! he was such a carnivore...he dreamed about meat. and marinades. lots of meat. even bone marrow...nina too. and he was obsessed with bacon...all things pig really. ironic huh. Alyssa once brought Nina a gift wrapped in this great bacon wrapping paper. he vowed it was precious and made sure it was preserved.

i shook it off as nuttiness when he told me he gave up his precious for the love of baby animals and wrote to PETA requesting magnets and information.

in the end his love of the beast won him over. he bbq'd, baked broiled, fried, sauteed, braised.. ...every delicious piece of animal he could enjoy and share with his loved ones.

and our bellys were always happy.

David said...

If God had meant us to be vegetarians, why did he make animals out of meat?